Our daily bread is no longer simply seen as a side dish to satiate us. Increasingly people demand much more: they question how their bread is made and how nutritious it is.
A healthy bread is extremely important for the human organism.
We should consume protein, fat and carbohydrates in the correct proportions.
Proteins are complex molecules, working in cells, that play many critical roles within the body and should make up about 15% of our daily nutritional intake.
Lipids (or fats) represent about 30% of our daily food intake.
The remaining calories that we require come from carbohydrates, which should constitute a further 55% of our daily intake. This should be roughly around 100g to 150g per day, regardless of body weight. Carbohydrates are our main energy source and provide us with the essential nutrients needed for our nerve cells and our brain.
As well as the three basic nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) the human organism additionally requires vitamins, minerals, fibre and water: our bodies consist of up to 65% water.
Vitamins are responsible for numerous chemical reactions within the body, minerals for diverse metabolic functions, whilst fibre assists the transit of chyme (the semi-fluid mass of part digested food) through the stomach to the duodenum. Fibre also helps us to feel replete quicker.
Our PEMA wholegrain rye bread contains a high amount of dietary fibre as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.